The Tech Evolution with Nathan Baranowski

Rooster Talks: The Tech Evolution with Nathan Baranowski

Friday 5th October
8am to 9am

Admission is FREE
RSVP: Eventbrite

Technology is transforming the way we live our lives, be it at home or at work. It is all around us. Some of it is good and some of it seems scary and almost sci-fi. As we transition into a technological era and adopt new ways, we are all left with the challenge of what to adopt and why.

Nathan Baranowski from ojo solutions is a technology strategist who works with organisations to help them understand how to adopt the right technology to enable and release their organisation’s potential.

In this interactive and explorative session, Nathan will take you on a whistle-stop tour of the future and how technology can transform lives. He will share his thinking through real-life examples of the key digital themes every business needs to consider in order to adopt the right technologies to realise their goals and future potential.

Whether you are a techie or a technophobe this session will offer something for everyone.

Join us for October’s Rooster Talk. Free admission with coffee and croissants from The Field Kitchen.