Saturday 5th November
10am to 3pm
Tickets £7 per person
Book your place via Eventbrite.
Join us in the Club Room at Glove Factory Studios where you can enjoy making your very own mini Guy Fawkes maquette to either take home or throw on your local bonfire!
The wonderful team from Wishing Woods will be on hand to help you select pre-cut vintage material tops and bottoms, before stuffing them with straw, secure tightly and decorate as you like.
Will your Guy Fawkes have an elaborate moustache, a monobrow, earrings, or need to wear spectacles? Style and decorate your maquette with whatever takes your fancy, maybe add a little glitter glamour.
And where would bonfire night be without a little face paint and glitter. Wishing Woods team will have face painting and face glitter available to add sparkle!
We look forward to seeing you and your creations!