HBN Breakfast: Do beautiful websites convert the best? / Event expired

Friday 2nd October

Admission: free
8am to 9am
Please RSVP

Ryan Webb is CRO Director at SearchStar and spends his days finding ways to improve user interaction, engagement and conversion on clients’ websites. Having started life as a radio and press buyer, he defected to the digital side of life in 2005 when he realised it was far more interesting (and where all the cool kids were)! Over the past 16 years, Ryan has helped more than 200 businesses improve their websites and marketing strategies.

The marketing industry has spent the last 15 years working out how to get well-targeted traffic to websites. Over the last few years the industry has woken up to the necessity of maximising the value of traffic with Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) to make a tangible difference that shows on the bottom line. The assumption is often that the most ‘beautiful’ sites get the highest conversion rates – but is that really true?

Ryan will talk through the essentials of CRO, dispel some of the myths and share the approach SearchStar take when critiquing websites. Then he’ll take a look at some well-known websites to establish whether we think the ‘beautiful’ ones do perform the best.
The aim is that anyone who comes along will leave with a general understanding of Conversion Rate Optimisation and a “landing page scorecard” that they will be able to use to critique their own website.

You will have an opportunity to join the interactive Q&A, putting your questions direct to Ryan and of course there will be a delicious breakfast as usual provided by Sam’s Kitchen.

To book a place please RSVP to info@glovefactorystudios.com