Heritage Makers Fair at the Glove

Heritage Makers at the Glove

27TH APRIL 2019
10AM – 3PM

Heritage crafts are enjoying a renaissance, and we think this is definitely something to celebrate!

Join us for a day packed with crafty goodness. Our courtyard will be home to various local crafters who use the traditional maker techniques and tools that have been practised for centuries.

Spoon carving, green woodworking, forging, stonemasonry and pottery will all be on display.

Come along to meet the heritage makers in the courtyard at Glove Factory Studios.

There’ll be demonstrations as well as opportunities for you to ask questions and have a go.

And, of course, you’ll also be able to buy unique handmade items.

The Field Kitchen will be rustling up some delicious hand-crafted seasonal delights to eat while you browse!