How SMEs can think big with data

Friday 4th February
9am to 10am
Free admission

Book via Eventbrite

For years producing insight from data has mostly been the preserve of enterprise-scale businesses who can justify the investment in data warehousing and analytics tools to achieve their goals. For smaller businesses, best efforts using common tools such as Excel have had to be good enough.

However, the world has changed. The value of basing decisions on data-driven insight is much better understood. High-quality business intelligence, analytics, and data management are now available to a much wider audience thanks to low-code tools such as the Microsoft Power Platform.

In February’s Rooster Talk, Dave Berrill, Head of Business Intelligence at Mintivo, shares his insights into how small and growing businesses can make the most of their data while defending themselves against common data usage pitfalls as they scale up.

There’ll also be an opportunity for you to discuss your own challenges with data and business intelligence. Feel free to bring along questions or issues to share and discuss: from the manual effort to wrangle data from spreadsheets into meaningful intelligence, to difficulties getting data directly from systems, or coping with poor or inconsistent data quality.

You’ll leave the session with new insight into how to take on your data challenges and extract maximum value from your business data.

Join us in the Club Room on Friday 4th Feb. Free admission plus coffee and pastries on the house from Wild Herb at The Field Kitchen.