Friday 3rd March
8am to 9am
Admission is FREE
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Do you find yourself having to pedal faster and faster just to stand still, or are overwhelmed by the burgeoning demands in your growing business?
Paul Wielgus is a qualified and experienced coach and facilitator. He works across a range of local and international projects, all unified by his passion for the transformative power of Mindfulness.
With over 22 years of meditation practice, and as a senior consultant and trainer with Potential Project (the global leader in corporate based mindfulness training), Paul is acutely aware that the current ‘fad’ for mindfulness can sometimes produce a yawn and possibly a copy of the ‘Ladybird book of Mindfulness’ for your birthday or Christmas present! However, the type of Attention Training he brings to both global and small growing businesses is very different, practical and highly effective.
It’s not just about stress reduction, resilience, and well being but also about team and culture building, productivity and operational effectiveness.
Paul’s brand of Attention Training gets to the heart of our modern personal and collective problem, which is the distraction epidemic we are all feeling during these turbulent times, and he will demonstrate how simple and practical Attention Training techniques can transform you and your business.