Over drinks and delicious “nibbles”, a group of Glove Factory Studio members got together on the glorious evening of Tuesday 10th May in The Field Kitchen. Studio member Robin Worrall, of Design and Brand Consultancy Rednine, led a discussion on the effect that social media has on our lives from a personal and business perspective.
“We agreed that we live in a time when connectivity has never been so intense. One tweet can turn the world on its head, making and breaking an individual in the blink of an eye. But are we actually observing and absorbing what we see and hear – do we stop to think or are we continually on transmit?
We talked about how social media is scaling to a peak of information overload and a propensity towards narcissism, it’s all about ‘me’ and ‘what I’m doing’. Events are a sea of cameras recording, but are people missing the actual ‘moment’ in favour of posting how fun/exciting/important/interesting their lives are. Are we all venturing into cyberspace and away from actually living and enjoying what and who are most important to us?
We were left considering what tomorrow may look like for the next generation as they seek validation from their anonymous virtual fanbase. How we all need to employ a strong will to self police our attachment to the barrage of communications and whether niche subject groups will emerge and replace the masses.” Robin Worrall.